John Fugelsang about 'Dream On', a PBS Documentary about the American Dream, and a road trip across the country to find out if it still is alive.

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John Fugelsang
 Interview: John Fugelsang
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This week Skepticality starts out with a touching message about friend of the show and past contributor to Skepticality, Bob Carroll. Then Derek talks with comedian, talk show host, and political commentator, John Fugelsang about 'Dream On', a PBS Documentary about the American Dream, and a road trip across the country to find out if it still is alive.
Show Notes

– Date – October 25th, 2016
– Send your cool “SCIENCE” shout-outs to.
– Theme song by Steve Seamans of the Daisy Dillman Band.
– Get the song HERE.
– Thank you to everyone who has been purchasing books, Skepticality stuff, or using our Amazon link to help us.

Wikipedia Update [x:xx]
– Skeptoid – “Despicable Vulture Scumbags”.
– Interview with Hong Kong skeptics David Young and Michael Bigalow on Skepticality Dec 2015.
– Steve Hackman’s interview with David Young “Living Life with a Deadly Diagnosis”.
– Susan Gerbic’s videos from Hong Kong and China Oct 2015.
– More about Susan Gerbic.

Bob Carroll Tribute [x:xx]
Susan’s CSI article about Bob Carroll.
Bob Carroll on Wikipedia.

Interview: John Fugelsang  [xx:xx]
John’s Website.
Tell Me Everything on SeriusXM.
Check out ‘Dream On’ from PBS.
John on Facebook.
John on Wikipedia.
– John on Twitter at @johnfugelsang.

Outro Music [x:xx:xx]
– Outro music donated by Trent Brusky of Dropfox.

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