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Tim Farley of "Whats the Harm" and "Skeptic History" and Derek Colanduno sit down for a short chat about the past year in skeptical issues, and what might be coming in 2012.
Show Notes

– Date – January 7th 2012
– You can send in your cool Science Shoutout to
– Theme song by Steve Seamans of the Daisy Dillman Band. The song is available via the Skepticality app. 

Skeptic History Notes

2011 Events 

– BMJ declared Andrew Wakefield a fraud on Jan. 5.
Anderson Cooper called him a liar on CNN on Jan. 6.
Brian Deer won Specialist Journalist of the Year for the story on April 5.
Salon retracted “Deadly Immunity” on Jan. 16.
The US Supreme Court blocked direct lawsuits of vaccine manufacturers on Feb. 22.
The eradication of Rinderpest was marked in a ceremony on August 8.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation stepped up their efforts to eradicate polio in 2011.
– CDC issued a measles warning on June 22.
The NVIC ran several anti-vaccine PSAs in various venues in the US.
Robert MacNeil was criticized for linking autism and vaccines on air in April.
Stop the AVN sponsored a message that went over Meryl Dorey’s head in December.
The New Yorker covered Paul Haggis & Scientology on Feb. 14.
Janet Reitman and Hugh Urban both published major books on Scientology in the summer.
The Village Voice and the Tampa Bay Times both covered Scientology revelations throughout the year.
Harold Camping predicted the rapture on May 21 and armageddon on Oct. 21.
Psychic Sally Morgan was caught apparently cheating on Sept. 11, and refused a test on Oct. 31.
James Randi’s foundation went after James Van Praagh after appearing on Primetime Nightline on Aug. 17.
Representatives of Stanislaw Burzynski threatened Andy Lewis and Rhys Morgan in November.
Oprah Winfrey last daily show aired May 25. (Her Oprah Winfrey Network began last Jan. 1)
Glenn Beck’s final Fox News program was June 30.
Steve Novella appeared on The Dr. Oz Show on April 26.
Expelled was auctioned back to the man who commissioned it on June 28.
Penn & Teller Tell A Lie premiered on Discovery Channel on Oct. 5.
Dale & Shannon Hickman got 6 years prison Oct. 31 in the faith healing death of their son.
James Arthur Ray was convicted June 22 and sentenced Nov. 18 in the sweat lodge deaths.
Peter Foster was also arrested on Nov. 18.
Power Balance filed for bankruptcy protection on Nov. 18.
Kevin Trudeau lost his appeal on Nov. 29.
– The final appeals in the Aum cult murders were exhausted on Nov. 21.
– “David Mabus” began a Twitter harassment campaign Jan. 19 that ended with his arrest on Aug. 16.
– The FDA and FTC warned consumers about HCG diet products in late November early December.
The FDA warned Joe Mercola to stop claims about thermographic imaging on March 22.
FCC fined TV stations for running video press releases (including one about Zicam) as news on March 24.
FTC went after fake news sites promoting acai berry products on April 19.
– UK’s ASA extended their remit to the web March 1, and thousands of skeptic complaints followed, led by the Nightingale Collaboration.
– Simon Perry’s Fishbarrel software was released in April to support the effort.
– The first QEDcon was held in Manchester, UK on February 5 & 6.
CSICON was held in New Orleans from October 27 through 30.
Asteroid JoeNickell was announced at CSICON.
Elevatorgate began with a YouTube on June 20 and continued through July and on.
Centre for Inquiry Canada had a shake-up in management in November.
Jose “Carlos” Alvarez was arrested on identity theft charges on Sept. 8.
Lorne Trottier gave $5.5 million to McGill University in November to fund Dr. Joe Schwarcz’ anti-quack educational efforts.


– Robert Ader researched the mind-body link & placebos – February 20, 1932 – December 20, 2011.
José Argüelles promoted “Harmonic Convergence” – January 24, 1939 – March 23, 2011.
Sai Baba Indian guru and “god man” – November 23, 1926 – April 24, 2011.
William C. Bequette coined the term “flying saucer” – Sept. 16, 1917 – April 24, 2011.
Barry Blumberg Nobel laureate physician – July 28, 1925 – April 5, 2011.
Bill Broderick Ontario humanist & skeptic – 1931 – October 10, 2011.
Rob Buckman Humanist & TV personality –  August 22, 1948 – October 9, 2011.
Joe Cooper Cottingley debunker – Feb 3, 1924 – Aug. 16, 2011.
Hilary Evans Fortean researcher – March 6, 1929 – July 27, 2011.
Walter M. Fitch evolutionary biologist, member NCSE – May 21, 1929 – March 11, 2011.
Paul J. Gaylor Freedom From Religion Foundation – August 30, 1926 – May 5, 2011.
Steven G. Gey attorney who litigated Edwards v. Aguillard – April 6, 1956 – June 9, 2011.
Christopher Hitchens writer, journalist, raconteur, atheist – April 13, 1949 – December 15, 2011.
Budd Hopkins father of the alien-abduction movement – June 15, 1931 – August 21, 2011.
Miriam Karlin British actress, humanist, atheist – June 23, 1925 – June 3, 2011.
Don Lapre “King of the Infomercials” – May 19, 1964 – October 2, 2011.
Anthony Tobin Layng  anthropologist, skeptic – 1932 – June 12, 2011.
– Lynn Margulis evolutionary biologist – March 5, 1938 – November 22, 2011.
Ernan McMullin philosopher who wrote on creationism – October 13, 1924 – February 8, 2011.
Derek K. Miller writer, skeptic, atheist, husband, father – June 30, 1969 – May 3, 2011.
Bette Orsini Pulitizer Prize winning journalist – December 2, 1925 – March 26, 2011.
Steve Randak biology teacher who fought creationism – April 26, 1945 – August 23, 2011.
Theodore Roszak writer, coined the term “counterculture” – November 15, 1933 – July 5, 2011.
Linda Scarberry original “Mothman” eyewitness – June 10, 1947 – March 6, 2011.
Niall Shanks philosopher of science concerned with creationism – January 18, 1959 – July 13, 2011.
David Sencer head of CDC during the 1970s swine flu – November 10, 1924 – May 2, 2011.
– David Servan-Schreiber promoted non-standard cancer treatments – April 21, 1961 – July 24, 2011.
Rob Solàrion Velikovsky
researcher & promoter of “Planet X” – 1943 – February 2011.
– Richard Webster wrote about abuse scandal hysteria’s in England December 17, 1950 – June 24, 2011.
Winstone Zulu AIDS activist – Jan. 7, 1964 – Oct. 12, 2011.

– Skeptic History facts are posted daily via social media and elsewhere, find out where on this page at the Skeptools blog.

Show Content

Derek and Tim Farley reflect a bit about what happened in the skeptical world over the course of 2011 and ponder what is in store for 2012.


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