Date – February 22nd, 2011 read by Derek
Today's Science Shoutout provided by The Cheap Astronomer!
Today's guest is Professor Dan Ariely.
Watch Professor Ariely's TED talk here.
He has even presented at Burning Man.
Skeptic History Notes–
The Battle of Los Angeles took place in the early morning hours of February 25, 1942.
Like the Roswell UFO incident, its true cause was a balloon.
The modern vaccine/autism/MMR fraud began when
Andrew Wakefield held a press conference on February 26, 1998.
Brian Deer’s investigations into Wakefield’s fraud began
with a Sunday Times article published Feburary 22, 2004.
You can read daily Skeptic History facts on Twitter, Facebook or FriendFeed.
Professor Ariely teaches Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University.
Arming the Donkeys is Professor Ariely's podcast on iTunes U.
There is also a video podcast series for Predicably Irrational.
You can sign up here to participate in Professor Ariely's ongoing studies.
Professor Ariely's team has created some interesting smart phone apps.
Having trouble making decisions? Try the Procrastinator app.
We all like compliments; try the Atta Boy app. (free)
The Upside of Irrationality and Predictably Irrational are available everywhere.
You can follow Professor Ariely on Facebook and Twitter.