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Dragon*Con Skeptrack
 Dragon*Con Skeptrack Panel
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This week Derek briefly re-caps the events of the Skeptic Track at Dragon*Con 2012. For those of you who could not make it out for the fun and excitement, he plays one of the group sessions from the event. It is a panel which involved JREF Outreach Coordinator, Brian Thompson, Best Selling Authors Michael Stackpole, Scott Sigler, and Gail Z. Martin, as well as Skepchicks Rebecca Watson and Amy Davis Roth. As they discuss using popular art and creative endeavors to get skeptical and critical thought into a segment of the population which would otherwise never seek out the information directly.
Show Notes

– Date – September 11, 2012
– Send your cool ‘SCIENCE!’ shout-outs to
– Theme song by Steve Seamans of the Daisy Dillman Band. Get the song HERE.
– Thank you to everyone who has been purchasing books, Skepticality stuff, or using our Amazon link to help us!

Skepticism, Past and Future

Wilk v. AMA found the U.S. medical association guilty of antitrust violations on September 25, 1987.
David Irving sued Deborah Lipstadt on September 5, 1996. Lipstadt won, four years later.
Psychic Sally Morgan sued the Daily Mail over a September 22, 2011 article.
– Australian pro-vaccine campaigner Reasonable Hank blogged about his site being marked as malware by malicious anti-vaxxers in June.
– This week on Skeptical Software Tools, Tim blogged about similar vandalism incidents involving Web of Trust and how to detect them proactively.
– Skeptic History facts are posted daily on social media find out where on this page at Tim’s blog.

Unnatural Virtue

Anecdotal Evidence
– Flyers warning residents of Craigavon, South Africa, that microwaves from cellphone towers cause health problems. Soon, residents complained of health problems of all sorts.
– Wi-Fi uses very low intensity radio waves and Wi-Fi radiation is 100,000 times less than that of a domestic microwave oven.*
– There are many anecdotes but no solid scientific evidence that cell phones cause brain cancer, that silicone breast implants cause everything from lupus to cancer, or that vaccines cause autism.
– According to one study, 16 million Americans suffer from 'intermittent explosive disorder,' of which "road rage" is an example.
The Skeptics Dictionary and Skeptic's Dictionary for Kids.
– A paperback edition of Unnatural Acts: Critical Thinking, Skepticism, and Science Exposed! is now available from For more info, click here. The eBook is still available.

The Odds Must Be Crazy

The Odds Must Be Crazy
– This week's featured story is, "The Hell Fire Club"
– Story was submitted by friend of the blog, Mark Edward.
– Please visit the story link for a more detailed analysis and to add your comments
– Additional thoughts and considerations provided by Barbara Drescher
– Our producer and audio engineer is Brian Hart
– Our theme music comes to us courtesy of Brian Keith Dalton, AKA Mr. Deity
– Please visit The Independent Investigations Group Los Angeles
– The Odds Must Be Crazy can be found on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+
– Wendy Hughes is on Twitter
– Jarrett Kaufman is on Twitter
– Barbara Drescher is on Twitter
– Brian Hart is on Twitter
– Brian Keith Dalton is on Twitter

Dragon*Con Skeptrack 2012 – Panel 'Stealth Skepticism'

– Recorded by Abrupt Media for Skeptrack at Dragon*Con
– Panel Moderator is Rebecca Watson of Skepchick
– Amy Davis Roth of Surlyramics
– Gail Z. Martin author of Chronicles of the Necromancer
– Scott Sigler author of several best selling books
– Michael Stackpole author of several best selling books and game designer
– Brian Thompson JREF Outreach Coordinator and host of too many podcasts
Check out the streaming video archive from past Skeptracks and the 2012 show when they go online
– Please consider donating to the folks who make all of this content free and available so it can keep going

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