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Tom Merritt Bob Blaskiewicz Eve Siebert
 Interviews: Tom Merritt, Bob Blaskiewicz and Eve Siebert
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This week Derek sits down with Tom Merritt to discuss why it is important to use some critical thinking when it comes to passionate issues such as the much reported working conditions at computer manufacturer Foxconn, a large supplier of Apple components. Then, Bob Blaskiewicz, and Eve Siebert join him to talk about the many reasons we know that Shakespeare was actually the man who penned the famous plays of the Globe Theater and how the movie 'Anonymous' is steeped in fiction based on all available evidence.
Show Notes

– Date – February 14, 2012
– Send your cool ‘SCIENCE!’ shout-outs to 
– Theme song by Steve Seamans of the Daisy Dillman Band. Get the song HERE.

Skeptic History Notes

– The legend of a curse of the pharaohs gained wide attention after the death of Lord Carnarvon just six weeks after the opening of King Tut’s burial chamber on February 16, 1923.
– The paper “Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin” was published in the February 16, 1989 issue of Nature.
– Jacobson v. Massachusetts affirmed the validity of compulsory vaccination laws in the U.S. in a ruling on February 20, 1905.
– Debunking and bunk are based on the word bunkum which dates from a quite boring Congressional speech attempted on February 25, 1820.
– Skeptic History facts are posted daily on social media find out where on this page at the Skeptools blog.

Interview Notes

– Tom Merritt is the host of Tech News Today for the TWiT Network.
– Derek has been on Tech News Today.
– You can find out more about Tom at his website.
Foxconn is a massive tech manufacturer out of China.
– There has been some depressing news about Foxconn recently.
– When you dig into the actual information it paints a slightly different picture.

– Bob Blaskiewicz and Eve Siebert run and write for the blog Skeptical Humanities.
– The Movie ‘Anonymous‘ makes the claim that Shakespeare did not actually pen his plays.
– Bob and Eve have written a good post about the movie here.
– There is a ton of evidence that Shakespeare did, in fact, write his plays.
– Shakespeare gave much of his possessions to his daughter in his will.

– The Atlanta IIG is part of the new Independent Investigations Group.
– You can now support Skepticality by getting your own copy of the full ‘Skepticality’ song at our website!


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