Date – April 5, 2011 read by Derek That's our new theme song by Steve Seamans of the Daisy Dillman Band. The song is available via the Skepticality app. Dr. Ginger Campbell interviewed Dr. Paul A. Offit on the Books and Ideas podcast. Desiree Schell and Swoopy interviewed Holly Tucker on Skeptically Speaking. You can help fund a series of videos on Logical Fallacies via Kickstarter. Jamie Dunbar was able to fund his illustrated books The Universe Verse this way. Dr. Donald Prothero's new book is: Catastrophes! Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, and other Earth-Shattering Disasters He talks about some of the quackery following the Sendai quake in eSkeptic. Scientists are hoping to get a sample of magma by drilling through the earth's crust. Dr. Prothero is the newest writer for the SkepticBlog. Dr. Prothero will be at the following events this summer: The Skeptic's Society Science Symposium Pasadena California, June 24 -26, 2011. The Amazing Meeting 9 July 14 -17, South Point Casino in Las Vegas. You too can take a Geology tour with Dr. Prothero.

Interview: Dr. Donald R. Prothero
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The 9.0 magnitude Tohoku earthquake and tsunami which devastated Japan on March 11th, 2011 is being reported as one of the five most powerful earthquakes since seismological records began being kept in 1900. The awesome destructive power of our constantly changing world is highlighted by these kinds of disasters on a fairly regular basis, but does the understanding of when and how these events may happen change the way humans are choosing to live on dangerous planet earth?
This week on Skepticality, Swoopy talks with Dr. Donald R. Prothero, professor of geology at Occidental College in Los Angeles and a lecturer in geobiology at Caltech about his new book Catastrophes! Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, and other Earth-Shattering Disasters which discusses not only the dangers we face from geographical challenges but also those that affect us all: overpopulation and global climate change.
Show Notes